NACTA and RSIL conducts 2 days training on AML/CFT

Letter of Agreement Signed Between NACTA and IUCPSS
October 23, 2020
Provincial Threat Assessment Workshop for CTD, Sindh Police
November 5, 2020

NACTA and the Research Society of International Law (RSIL) conducted a two days AML/CFT Training on 28-29 October in Islamabad. The training was attended by officials from all the Law Enforcement Agencies under AML Act,2010 i.e, FIA, ANF, CTD, Customs and Inland Revenue. Mr. Faisal Ali Raja, DG CT NACTA delivered the opening remarks.

The training sessions consisted of a series of lectures on Global Legal Framework on AML/CFT, Nature of Terrorism Financing in Pakistan, Domestic Implementation of AML/CFT in Pakistan: UNSCR 1267 and 1373 Regimes, Criminalizing ML/TF: Elements of Offences, Powers of LEAs, Special Investigative Techniques, and Role of Prosecutors, Collection and Analysis of Evidence in AML/CFT Cases and Mutual Legal Assistance (Criminal Matters) Act, 2020.

As a supplement to traditional lectures, RSIL also conducted 5 tablet-based assessments, providing instant feedback to participants on assessment areas in need of improvement, and areas where they performed particularly well, creating a competitive environment in which participants flourished.

The training concluded with closing remarks by the DG CFT NACTA, Mr. Mohammad Iqbal, as well as a vote of thanks by President RSIL, Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi. Mr. Soofi appreciated the role of NACTA for their support and making the training successful. At the end, certificates were distributed among the participants by DG, Outreach & Capacity Building, Ms. Durr-e-Maknoon.





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