The Research & Policy Wing has undertaken initiatives and entered into collaborations, both locally and internationally in pursuit of its evidence-based policy-making approach. Expression of Interest (EoI) for any research collaboration in the areas pertaining to countering violent extremism and countering terrorism can be made to the National Coordinator NACTA or Director General (Research) through the ‘Contact Us’ form on the home-page.
Some of the research initiatives and collaborations undertaken by NACTA are highlighted below:
Although no Biological-terrorism incident/ preparation has been reported till date in Pakistan, NACTA is cognizant of the fact that the high-risk chemicals and explosives used in industrial sector have been used in terrorism incidents in past. There is a need to put in place comprehensive regulations and audit on industry’s voluntary compliance regime to make sure that no high-risk chemicals, explosive or biological agent pilfers to unauthorized hands, even in the minutest of quantities. As part of a risk-assessment and mitigation strategy, a number of meetings have been held with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and other stakeholders.
Research collaboration with College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, NUST, Islamabad has been established to provide its services in data-analysis to NACTA. The college shall provide its experts and interns to NACTA for furthering its research initiatives.
Research collaboration with Centre for International Peace and Stability (CIPS) Islamabad has been established to provide its researchers to collaborate with NACTA and perform research and studies in areas pertaining to counter violent extremism and terrorism. CIPS has provided its Masters level students for conducting research on topics suggested by NACTA.