National Dialogue on Preventing Violent Extremism Programming in Pakistan

Awareness Session with Members of Parliament and KP Government Departments on PVE in Pakistan
July 9, 2021
Awareness session on Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE)
November 29, 2021

The Outreach Branch (NACTA) held a session with the team of UN women Pakistan Friday, October 22, 2021 in Karachi to explore potential avenues for partnership in the arena of social cohesion and peacebuilding. The Director General outreach also participated as speaker in the “National Dialogue on Preventing Violent Extremism Programming in Pakistan: Challenges, Lessons Learned and Way Forward” held October 23, 2021 in Karachi. The dialogue was aimed at discussing the peacebuilding initiatives, factors undermining social cohesion, challenges in implementing these programs and what lessons can be drawn in order to effectively address intolerance and build social cohesion in vulnerable communities.


















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